
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

raspberri cupcakes on facebook

Hi! Just a quick note to let you know that by popular demand, I have FINALLY set up a Facebook page for raspberri cupcakes! Yay! Yeah I know, it's about 3 years too late but I honestly thought I would never do it since I am a bit wary of Facebook. I know a lot of you had asked me to make the page for a while now and I finally caved because I wanted to make sure there's plenty of options for everyone to get updated when I post a new recipe. Of course you can still subscribe via e-mail or rss to get my new posts, but now you can also LIKE my facebook page too! So please go and like away! I will try my best to keep it updated regularly with plenty of good shizz.


  1. Well done - its great to have all your networks covered

    Donna x

  2. I'm so glad you decided to make one- despite already following you on bloglovin, google reader, pinterest etc, it'll just make my day seeing extra posts from you on other platforms! Your my favourite fellow sydney food blogger after all! :)

  3. Congrats!! It looks great :)

  4. I'm following ;) xx

  5. I was wondering how come you don't already have fb profile. Love your work. And love those cheesecake filled chocolate eggs. I've forwarded your link in my post about Easter ideas,

  6. aha thats wonderful. it makes it even easier to share your amazing recipies....

    Happy Thursday


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